От началото на историята на този сайт, всяка година обръщаме специално внимание на един от най-интересните списъци – на непродуцираните сценарии, като Франклин Ленърд продължава да работи по своеобразната база данни и „Черният списък” за 2018 ще бъде тринадесети по ред. Прави впечатление сериозният брой идеи за биографични филми – на най-различни личности, от създателите на Snapchat до бащата на сестрите Винъс и Серина Уилямс. Гласували са около 300 представители на индустрията.

До момента филмите, създадени по сценарии от предишните „Черни списъци”, са спечелили 10 награди „Оскар” за сценарий; четири от тях са сред десетте последни носители на най-престижната награда на Американската киноакадемия – „най-добър филм”. Сред най-новите заглавия са „Аз, Тоня”, „Вестник на властта” и „Всичките пари на света”. Съвсем в духа на стремежа към равнопоставеност на половете в индустрията, една трета от пренебрегнатите сценарии за 2018 са написани от жени, а повече от 40% от проектите се движат от екипи, съставени от дами.

Тенденцията творбите, застанали начело на списъка, да събират все по-малко „точки”, продължава – припомняме, че „Игра на кодове” през 2011 има 133 гласа, а все по-често в последните години цифрите преди заглавието и анотациите са в пъти по-малко – те индикират гласовете, които е получил съответният сценарий.

Ето и тазгодишните „печеливши” (в оригинал):

36 гласа
FRAT BOY GENIUS by Elissa Karasik
A disgruntled employee of Snapchat tells the rise of her former Stanford classmate, preeminent douchebag and current boss Evan Spiegel.

35 гласа
KING RICHARD by Zach Baylin
The true story of Richard Williams, the hard-nosed and uncompromising father of tennis prodigies turned superstars, Venus and Serena Williams.

34 гласа
GET HOME SAFE by Christy Hall
A young woman must get home by herself on Halloween with no cell phone battery and a group of gamergate trolls out to get her.

30 гласа
DRUDGE by Cody Brotter
The story of how oddball internet reporter Matt Drudge broke the Lewinsky Scandal and nearly took down a presidency, all from a desktop computer in his one-bedroom apartment in Hollywood.

HARRY’S ALL NIGHT HAMBURGERS by Steve Desmond, Michael Anthony Sherman 
A down-on-his-luck high school senior discovers that the old roadside diner outside of town is secretly a hangout for parallel universe travelers. He sets off on a mind-bending adventure across the multiverse that takes him beyond his wildest dreams.

Still hurting years later from the suicide of her mistreated best friend, a woman is torn between seeking vengeance on the lost friend’s behalf and moving on with her life.

29 гласа
COBWEB by Chris Thomas Devlin
Peter has always been told the voice he hears at night is only in his head, but when he suspects his parents have been lying, he conspires to free the girl within the walls of his house.

26 гласа
Barret is a social media influencer, the worst guy ever, and the eventual President of the United States. Dixie is a badass freedom fighter, sent back from 2076 to kill him before he takes over the world and ruins the future. They fucking hate each other. Then they accidentally fall in love.

21 гласа
ANALYTICA by Scott F. Conroy
The true story of Chris Wylie and Cambridge Analytica.

20 гласа
THE BROODMARE by Michael Voyer
When a recovering member of Alcoholics Anonymous decides to make amends with his high school sweetheart, he soon realizes that her newfound love of equines may have some darker, more sinister connections.

COVERS by Flora Greeson
The longtime assistant of a famous singer must navigate the rocky waters of the LA music scene to make her dreams of producing music a reality.

19 гласа
THE BISCUIT by Jack Waz 
In 1998, a teacher and her veteran husband find a way to afford the family they’ve always dreamed of: by selling America’s nuclear launch codes after President Bill Clinton loses them.

JUST THE FACTS by Kenny Kyle
The riveting true story of AJ Daulerio’s meteoric rise from obscure sports blogger to Editor-in-Chief of Gawker Media during the wild, heady early days of the digital journalism boom, culminating in the Hulk Hogan sex tape trial, which brought about Gawker’s downfall and set a precedent for billionaires to attack the media and free speech.

18 гласа
THE SEVENTH by Reiss Clauson-Wolf, Julian Silver
A look at the regiment led by Colonel Custer in the days leading up to the disastrous fight at Little Bighorn against Sitting Bull.

17 гласа
BAG MAN by Alex Convey
Atticus Archer is college football’s version of a fixer. As he juggles chasing the nation’s top prospect, a mental breakdown from a star quarterback, and his own personal demons, an NCAA agent arrives on campus to threaten everything.

15 гласа
GRACE by Will Lowell
When Grace and her husband Jay retreat to an empty vacation island to escape his grueling political campaign, Grace begins reliving traumatic experiences from her past, forcing her to question what is real. After she discovers that powerful people behind Jay’s campaign have been manipulating her experiences, Grace’s struggle to retain her sanity becomes an all too real fight for survival.

Ако държите да допълните информацията си с пълния списък – може да го откриете тук. Ще следим за „оскарови” фаворити в годините, които предстоят…

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  1. Единственото, което ми допада и бих искал да видя на екран е това:
    HARRY’S ALL NIGHT HAMBURGERS by Steve Desmond, Michael Anthony Sherman
    A down-on-his-luck high school senior discovers that the old roadside diner outside of town is secretly a hangout for parallel universe travelers. He sets off on a mind-bending adventure across the multiverse that takes him beyond his wildest dreams.

    Звучи доста интересно и може да излезе нещо смислено от това.